The cloud is no longer a one-size-fits-all solution. It is impacting every corner of the business world, including organizations of all sizes, needs and industries.

Here are ten industries that can directly benefit from cloud computing solutions: Automotive, Education, Financial, Healthcare, Insurance, Hospitality, Production, Real Estate, Legal, Nonprofit.

  1. The automotive industry relies heavily on constant availability of data. Even if you don’t have that perfect car in store, your customers will be happier if you can search inventories and direct them to a location that does.
  2. The cloud is proving to be an invaluable solution for schools. Education constantly deals with tight funding situations, a problem that the cloud can directly alleviate.
  3. A huge concern for the financial industry when it comes to the cloud is security, but our solution allows you to experience encrypted information, Tier 3, Class 1 data centers and limited access credentials for that confidential data.
  4. In the past, the healthcare industry has been slow to transition to new technology due to fear of inadequate security and the time it would take to switch.
  5. Insurance cloud solutions allow you to connect with clients in the most convenient way. When dealing with insurance sales, the cloud is the best resource because you can experience real-time collaboration.
  6. The hospitality industry has never before had a solid, scalable solution that helps businesses avoid spending too much initially on equipment that soon becomes inadequate.
  7. When it comes to manufacturing, companies are constantly challenged with the need to manage diverse locations and supply chains that require large, intricate database applications.
  8. It’s important to be constantly in-the-know if you work in the real estate industry.
  9. The legal industry relies heavily on the ability to store large quantities of files for long periods of time. This data needs to remain accessible and secure. It may seem like that’s asking a lot, but with the cloud, it’s really not.
  10. One of the largest concerns for nonprofit organizations is their need to run a company on a limited budget. Based on this concern, many nonprofits find it too difficult to spend money on the latest technology.