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Insurance Europe welcomes the Data Act proposal by the European co-legislators

Insurance Europe welcomes the Data Act proposal by the European co-legislators

Insurance Europe’s recently published paper, that examines the impact of the different positions taken on the Data Act proposal by the European co-legislators in the trialogue discussions, sets out the insurance industry’s positions on amendments proposed in relation to compensation, data use, trade secrets and data-sharing between businesses and governments.

Insurance Europe welcomes the Data Act proposal, as it sets out key principles on how to access and share data collected from connected devices, but robust sector-specific legislation on access to in-vehicle data is still needed to provide the confidence and incentive independent service providers require to invest in new data-driven services.

Insurance Europe also participated in a recent release of a statement to warn against the potentially adverse consequences of rushing institutional negotiations on the proposed revision of the EU Product Liability Directive (PLD).

The document highlights that excessively rapid negotiations will result in sub-optimal legislation that will not only impose a heavy burden on judicial systems but will also disincentivize manufacturers from innovating.

A group of industry representatives — including Insurance Europe — has released a statement to warn against the potentially adverse consequences of rushing institutional negotiations on the proposed revision of the EU Product Liability Directive (PLD).

The signatories underscore that the proposed revision would alter long-standing and balanced rules that generally function well, highlighting that excessively rapid negotiations will result in sub-optimal legislation that will not only impose a heavy burden on judicial systems, but will also disincentivise manufacturers from innovating.

The signatories are:

  • BusinessEurope — the confederation of European business
  • COCIR — the European association representing the medical imaging, radiotherapy, health ICT and electromedical industries
  • Ecommerce Europe — the voice of the European digital commerce sector
  • EFPIA — the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations
  • Eurochambres — the association of European chambers of commerce and industry
  • EuroCommerce — the voice of the retail and wholesale sector in Europe
  • European Justice Forum — promoting balanced, transparent and efficient access to civil justice for consumers and enterprises in Europe
  • Insurance Europe — the European insurance and reinsurance federation
  • MedTech Europe — the European association for the medical technology industries
  • Orgalim — representing Europe’s technology industries

by Nataly Kramer