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TOP 10 Reinsurance Companies in Switzerland 2025

TOP 10 Reinsurance Companies in Switzerland

2025 Largest Reinsurers is based on survey responses from reinsurance organizations in the Switzerland. The premium data relates to a company’s reinsurance premiums written but, in some cases, other metrics will include both primary and reinsurance business.

The main group and country listing for each entity surveyed is representative of that group or company’s total reinsurance business written, whether it be life, non-life, or a combination of both.

TOP 10 Largest Reinsurers in Switzerland

Reinsurerpremiums written, $mnChange %Combined ratio, %
1. Swiss Re10,757,717,2104,6
2. Swiss Re Asia5,171,223,9
3. New Re2,278,4-62,999,1
4. MS Amlin AG1,728,414,7125,4
5. SCOR Switzerland AG1,308,262,292,8
6. Renaissance Re Europe AG945,948,0111,4
7. DR Swiss, Deutsche Rückversicherung Schweiz AG345,224,3104,6
8. Echo Rückversicherungs-AG231,44,194,9
9. The Toa 21st Century Re Company227,259,3123,8
10. SIGNAL IDUNA Rückversicherungs AG206,7-5,196,5
Source: S&P Global Ratings

Ongoing aim in producing this data is to provide market participants with an indication of the ongoing reinsurance capacity available in each market.

Hence, we try to exclude intragroup reinsurance, as far as possible. Companies that have not been able to exclude intragroup reinsurance are highlighted in the footnotes.

Swiss Reinsurers Net Re Premiums Written ($mn)

Swiss Reinsurers Net Re Premiums Written ($mn)
Infographic Source:

This chart shows the total premiums written by each reinsurer. Larger bars indicate higher volumes of premiums.

Swiss Reinsurers Year-over-Year Change in Premiums

Swiss Reinsurers Year-over-Year Change in Premiums (%)
Infographic Source:

This chart highlights the percentage change in premiums written compared to the previous year, showing growth or contraction.

Swiss Reinsurers Pretax Income

Swiss Reinsurers Pretax Income ($mn)
Infographic Source:

This chart compares the pretax income across different reinsurers, where positive values indicate a profit and negative values indicate a loss.

Swiss Reinsurers Combined Ratio

Swiss Reinsurers  Combined Ratio (%)
Infographic Source:

This chart shows each reinsurer’s combined ratio, where values below 100% generally indicate profitability.


What criteria were used to determine the largest reinsurers in Switzerland for 2025?

The ranking is based on survey responses from reinsurance organizations in Switzerland, primarily considering reinsurance premiums written. However, in some cases, the data also includes premiums from primary insurance business.

How is the ‘combined ratio’ relevant to these rankings?

The combined ratio measures profitability, with values below 100% generally indicating profit. Each reinsurer’s combined ratio was considered to provide insight into their financial performance alongside premium volumes.

Does this list include premiums from both life and non-life reinsurance?

Yes, the list represents each entity’s total reinsurance business, which can include life, non-life, or a mix of both types of reinsurance.

Why is intragroup reinsurance excluded in this report?

Intragroup reinsurance is typically excluded to provide a clearer picture of reinsurance capacity available in the market. This ensures the rankings reflect reinsurance activities with external clients, not just within the same corporate group.

Which companies had the largest changes in premiums written year-over-year?

Swiss Re and Swiss Re Asia both reported significant changes in premiums. This list also includes a chart showing year-over-year percentage changes to indicate growth or contraction for each reinsurer.


Edited & Fact-checked by Oleg Parashchak – CEO Finance Media & Editor-in-Chief at Beinsure Media and Insurance TOP Ratings (24+ years of professional experience in Rankings, Insurance & Media).