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WTW introduced ESG Clarified – analytical solutions suite through RiskIQ

WTW, a global advisory, broking and solutions company, introduced ESG Clarified, an analytics platform generating new insights to help organizations better understand and address their climate, sustainability and wider ESG risks and exposures.

The rapidly evolving ESG landscape presents multiple challenges for organizations as they seek to communicate their ESG strategy and manage associated risks.

The ability to understand and effectively manage multiple data sources is central to empowering organizations to make informed and smarter decisions.

ESG Clarified offers a comprehensive, analytical solution, underpinned by multiple validated data sources to assist with trending insight, scenario analysis and reporting.

ESG Clarified joins several solutions clients are already using to address ESG risks, including Climate Diagnostic, Risk Tolerance Clarified and D&O Quantified.

ESG Clarified an addition to WTW analytical solutions suite through Risk Intelligence Quantified (RiskIQ) platform.

ESG Clarified incorporates an extensive set of external and proprietary internal data sources into a self service SaaS analytical solution, allowing clients to analyze and score their ESG exposures in real time to understand financial, human capital, and reputational metrics.

This new platform affords clients the opportunity to benchmark their ESG risks against peers, while also generating reports about their related exposures that can be instrumental in discussions with insurance carriers as they build their risk programs.

Nataly Kramer   by Nataly Kramer