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Ukrainian Insurers will be able to pay under nonresident’s reinsurance contracts

The National Bank of Ukraine continues to ease FX restrictions in view of the requests from financial market representatives, state authorities, and businesses, and taking into account the task of securing macrofinancial stability and protecting Ukraine’s international reserves.

As of 13 December2022, insurers will be able to make reinsurance payments under reinsurance contracts concluded with nonresidents, in particular, payments under:

At the same time, the NBU has established clear requirements for the relevant transactions. First, the financial resilience rating of a nonresident reinsurer that concluded the reinsurance contract must not be lower, according to classifications of international rating agencies, than “A3” (Moody’s Investors Service), A-” (Standard & Poor’s), “A-” (Fitch Ratings), “A-” (A.M. Best).

Second, a Ukrainian insurance company that provides reinsurance services must comply with a number of requirements, including:

In order to receive confirmation on compliance with the requirements for its further transfer to a servicing bank, an insurer must make a request to the NBU. 

A possibility of making FX payments under contracts with nonresident reinsurers will allow insurers to secure the fulfillment of their liabilities to customers and international partners, arising as of 31 May 2022. This is important for ensuring the uninterrupted operation of Ukraine’s insurance market.

Clear requirements for such transactions will allow to prevent nonproductive capital outflows and protect Ukraine’s international reserves.

In addition, as of 13 December 2022, the NBU:

The relevant changes were introduced by NBU Board Resolution No.242 On Amendments to NBU Board Resolution No. 18 dated 24 February 2022, dated 9 December 2022, and effective 13 December 2022.

by Yana Keller 

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