Daniel Levy - Principal Risk Consultant Swiss Re

Daniel Levy – Principal Risk Consultant Swiss Re

Daniel Levy joined Swiss Re in 2018 and is Head of Platform Analytics Business Development for Asia. He is a qualified actuary with over 20 years’ experience in the life insurance industry in roles ranging from actuarial and IT to general management of customer service teams.

In his current role he is responsible for developing and implementing advanced analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence systems for insurance clients throughout Asia.

Latest reviews by Daniel Levy
How Insurers Can Get Best Results from Artificial Intelligence Tools?" class="attachment-csco-thumbnail size-csco-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="How Insurers Can Get Best Results from Artificial Intelligence Tools?">
How Insurers Can Get Best Results from Artificial Intelligence Tools?
As the insurance market recognizes the potential of artificial intelligence, there remains uncertainty about how to effectively apply the technology to enhance customer engagement