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Ranking US InsurTech CEOs by Total Compensation

Ranking US InsurTech CEOs by Total Compensation

A majority of the CEOs of listed US insurtech companies operating as either brokers or underwriters saw their total adjusted compensation fall significantly.

According to S&P Global research, the compensation packages for 8 of the 14 CEOs shrank year over year, with three declining by more than 90%.

The rankings in this analysis are based on total adjusted compensation for insurance technology companies that are either insurance brokers or have underwriting businesses and are listed on one of the major US stock exchanges.

Total Ranking of Adjusted Compensation for US InsurTech CEOs

CEOInsurtechCompensation, $ mnChanges, %
1John KaoAlignment Healthcare$34.1-25.9%
2George MikanBright Health$10-94.5%
3Dan SchreiberLemonade$7.5-62.5%
4Shai WiningerLemonade$7.5-62.5%
5Rick McCathronHippo Holdings$6.5+124.1%
6Francis SoistmaneHealth$6.2-41.6%
7Maxwell SimkoffDoma Holdings$4.8-40.6%
8Mario SchlosserOscar Health$0,7-98.8%
Source: Beinsure Media by S&P Data

Fact-checked by Oleg Parashchak – Editor-in-Chief Beinsure Media, CEO Finance Media Holding