Rental management software provider RentSpree announced a partnership with Sure to offer renters insurance to users directly via its platform.
With this partnership, landlords will be able to notify tenants regarding renters insurance requirements.
Many owners and agents require renters insurance in their lease agreements due to the protection it provides to both parties. We’re thrilled to be partnering with Sure so owners can be certain that tenants are able to meet these requirements with ease
Michael Lucarelli, CEO of RentSpree
Tenants will then be able to obtain a quote and purchase coverage directly from the platform and landlords will be able to track the status of tenant policies and view policy details.
“Sure and RentSpree are reshaping the renter’s experience with insurance. Embedding insurance with our APIs into existing workflows for renter screening and management enables a smooth customer experience for both renters and property owners to seamlessly secure their assets.” – Wayne Slavin, Co-founder and CEO of Sure.

RentSpree closed $17.3 million in Series B funding led by Green Visor Capital, with participation from Rally Ventures, the California Association of REALTORS, Venture MLS, ECG-Research, KEC Ventures, Gaingels, 645 Ventures, and Vesta Ventures.
Founded in 2016, the California-based startup recently reached one million users across the country as a result of partnerships with more than 250 of the nation’s top multiple listing services, associations, brokerages, and proptech platforms.
“From RentSpree’s start, we wanted to create an easier and more effective process to qualify renters. In time, we realized that we were only scratching the surface of unmet needs within the market, such as streamlining marketing, facilitating payments, and helping consumers build wealth. With the introduction of new tools and plans for strategic partnerships in today’s hot rental market, it is our goal over the next 24 months to have 30%+ of all active U.S. agents leveraging RentSpree, and together, we will assist millions of rental clients annually.” – Michael Lucarelli, CEO of RentSpree.
by Peter Sonner