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Australian Insurance Market Statistics for 1H 2023

    The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has released its quarterly general and life insurance performance statistics. The Quarterly Insurance Performance Statistics publication provides aggregate summaries of financial performance, financial position, capital adequacy and key ratios for the insurance industry.

    The industry reported a net profit after tax of $4.6 bn and a return on net assets of 14% for year ending June 2023. This was mostly driven by the sharp recovery of investment returns.

    The publication also includes detailed statistics at a class-of-business level, a breakdown of operating income and expenses, and more granular solvency information.

    Australian Life Insurance Industry
    • The industry reported a small decline in the underwriting result to $5.7 billion for the year ending 30 June 2023. However, results remain relatively strong due to increasing premiums in response to higher recent claims costs.
    • Overall, gross incurred claims remained relatively high in the year ending 30 June 2023. The slight year-on-year movement was driven by large reductions in both Householders and Fire/ISR as claims stabilised after high expenses from the 2022 south-east QLD/NSW flooding event.
    • Net incurred claims increased substantially in the year (16.1%), which was largely due to a reduction in reinsurance revenue across almost all lines of business.
    • The industry reported a recovery of investment returns, reaching $3.0 billion overall. This was mostly driven by unrealised gains from interest-earning investments for year ending 30 June 2023.
    • The aggregate industry prescribed capital amount (PCA) coverage ratio increased to 1.74x on 30 June 2023

    Australian General Insurance Industry

    Australian General Insurance Industry

    Underwriting results remained relatively strong, driven by insurers raising premiums in response to recent higher claims costs. Gross incurred claims decreased slightly, due to lower claims in the Householder/Houseowner and Fire/ISR lines of business – both of which saw unusually high peaks in the prior year due to the 2022 south-east QLD/NSW flood event. 

    The aggregate prescribed capital amount (PCA) coverage ratio for the industry increased to 1.74x on 30 June 2023. 

    Key performance statistics for the general insurance industry

      June 2023 ($bn)Change (annual)
    Gross earned premium $66.09.3%
    Gross claims expense $44.1-2.3%
    Underwriting result $5.7-6.3%
    Investment income $3.0
    Net profit after tax $4.6408.2%
    Source: The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

    Key ratios for the general insurance industry

      June 2023Change (annual)
    Net loss ratio 65%3 percentage points
    Return on net assets 14.2%11.2 percentage points
    Prescribed capital amount coverage ratio 1.74x0.08x
    Source: The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

    The quarterly general insurance institution-level statistics publication contains individual insurer information about financial performance, financial position, capital adequacy and key ratios.

    Profitability general insurance

    Profitability general insurance
    Source: The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

    Premiums general insurance and Reinsurance

    Premiums general insurance and Reinsurance
    Source: The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

    Insurance Claims

    Insurance Claimes
    Source: The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

    The quarterly performance statistics of insurers may be affected by internal factors, such as the timing of actuarial valuations, and factors outside of their control, such as natural catastrophe events. Users should take these factors into account when interpreting the statistics.

    Australian Life Insurance Industry

    The quarterly life insurance performance statistics publication provides industry aggregate summaries of financial performance, financial position, capital adequacy and key ratios.

    Key performance statistics for the life insurance industry

     Year ending June 2023 ($bn)Yearly change
    Net policy revenue14.70.0%
    Investment revenue4.8
    Total revenue20.5116.9%
    Net policy expenses8.5-7.3%
    Operating expenses7.613.6%
    Effective movement in net policy liabilities2.5
    Total expenses18.8103.2%
    Net profit after tax1.2136.1%
    Total assets124.42.5%
    Source: The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

    Statistics for the life insurance industry, for the quarter ending 30 June:

     Mar 2023 Quarter ($bn)June 2023 Quarter ($bn)Quarterly change
    Net policy revenue3.63.72.7%
    Investment revenue3.8-0.3
    Total revenue7.63.6-52.8%
    Net policy expenses2.22.1-5.1%
    Operating expenses2.11.8-11.8%
    Effective movement in net policy liabilities2.3-0.4
    Total expenses6.63.6-46.1%
    Net profit after tax652.3m22.3m-96.6%
    Total assets126.7124.4-1.8%
    Source: The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

    For the year ending 30 June 2023, the industry reported a net profit after tax of $1.2 billion and a return on net assets of 4.6%.  

    Revenue life insurance

    Revenue life insurance
    Source: The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

    Profitability life insurance

    Profitability life insurance
    Source: The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

    Non-investment linked assets

    asset insurance
    Source: The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

    The aggregate industry prescribed capital amount (PCA) coverage ratio increased to 2.05x over the year ending 30 June 2023.

    Net profit after tax by product for the life insurance industry

    Risk productYear ending June 2023 ($m)June 2023 quarter only ($m)
    Individual lump sum-367.4-659.5
    Individual disability income insurance237.912.6
    Group lump sum420.6560.7
    Group disability income insurance150.140.0
    Source: The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

    Key ratios for the life insurance industry

     Year ending June 2023Mar 2023 quarterJune 2023 quarter
    Return on net assets4.6%10.0%0.3%
    Prescribed capital amount coverage ratio2.05x2.09x2.05x
    Source: The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

    Risk products returned a net profit after tax of $441 mn. Individual Lump Sum and Individual Disability Income Insurance (Individual DII) business reported weaker profits in the year, while Group Lump Sum and Group Disability Income Insurance (Group DII) business reported an improvement in performance in the year.


    Edited & Fact checked:

    by Oleg Parashchak     Oleg Parashchak
