War Exclusions in Cyber Insurance are Centre Stage as Re/Insurers
Whilst there have been no cyber attacks of comparable scale since the invasion of Ukraine, the scope of cyber insurance, and the war exclusions issue specifically
Whilst there have been no cyber attacks of comparable scale since the invasion of Ukraine, the scope of cyber insurance, and the war exclusions issue specifically
The digital supply chain is invisible. It operates in the background but is essential to the day-to-day functioning of most businesse
Cyber warfare and the attendant risk of systemic losses have long cast a shadow over the cyber insurance market
The cyber warfare in Ukraine, a clash of titans in terms of cyber security, has considerable implications for the cyber threat landscape
Companies that have strong cyber security hygiene are reducing the risk of being targeted by cybercriminals. Investment in cyber security is crucial in this environment
The cybersecurity research reveals some organizations are using cybersecurity as a differentiator to deliver better business outcomes
A new SEC cyberattack reporting rule has left public companies and insurers exposed to potential regulatory probes and shareholder class actions
The cost of cybercrime Accenture’s study helps to quantify the economic cost of cyberattacks by analyzing trends in malicious activities over time
Global M&A activity continues to accelerate at a rapid rate as the world recovers from the lows of the pandemic
A slowdown in price increases and companies hardening their cybersecurity defenses will help expand the cyber insurance market
Strengthened Global Cyber Insurance Market resilience continued to pay dividends, as resurgent ransomware activity has so far not been accompanied
Global Ranking of insurance providers worldwide and largest underwriters in the cyber insurance sector. Insuramore has updated its 2024 global ranking of insurer
Cyberwarfare has provided just a handful of notable skirmishes in the Russia-Ukraine War. But fears linger that the scale and frequency of digital attacks on financial targets
Realization is changing the dynamic of cyber risk management, pushing damage limitation to the forefront and, as a result, turning the spotlight on attack detection
Beinsure Media has collected the opinions of cybersecurity experts and presents a Cybercrime Predictions review for 2025
Climate change, ESG responsibilities and cyber risks are just some of the key concerns facing the insurance industry in 2024, according to Reynolds Porter Chamberlain
Cyber insurance is no longer deemed a nice-to-have accessory for businesses. In 2024, its importance will only increase
The cyber insurance market has seen significant changes, with the segments within the market being more distinct and nuanced than previously experienced
Cyber insurance market is anticipated to maintain favorable premium growth and underwriting results
Cybersecurity has become a more dynamic field, rapidly adjusting and shifting to keep apace with business inventiveness
The reality is that the cyber threats facing private businesses are no different from any other type of organisation. Cyber criminals are essentially opportunistic
Cyber threats, like ransomware and data breaches, are growing at a rapid rate, and the need for cyber insurance to protect against these evolving threats has never been greater
ILS plays a key role in allowing catastrophe risk to be transferred from the commercial insurance market to investors, providing additional (re)insurance capacity
New EU Legislation came into force to bolster cybersecurity requirements to protect critical and digital infrastructure for applicable entities in member states
Public announce of cyber risk transference by (re)insurers to capital markets through ILS issuances represent the potential for a reinsurance